Ladies and Gentleman:
We are pleased to invite You to the Third EPI-BMA Symposium to be held in Mexico. It is a COST-FREE event, with the purpose of present innovation topics in the sugar industry. The event will take place on the day THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, in the location of VERACRUZ City.
We will have BMA specialists for explain the following topics:
- Energy Balancing facts, Seed vertical vacuum and evaporators.
How BMA reduced steam consumption in the ICPL, from 38% to 27%. - Crystallisation by evaporation process.
VKT: High performance level using low energy requirements. - Crystallisation by cooling.
OVC: A simple way for make money! - Batch centrifugals.
The next generation and the future reference for centrifugals. - Continuous centrifugals.
New design and their operational benefits. - Sugar drying and cooling.
Several scenarios regarding to energy consumption, individual needs and environmental conditions.
You will find detailed information about at www.bma-worldwide.com
The event will be held at:
Prol. Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho S/N,
Fracc. Costa de Oro, 94299, Boca del Río, Ver.
We will start at 8:00 HHs (CT), we will have coffee breaks, lunch and a cocktail closure scheduled around 18:00 Hhs. It will be a space for interact and drive specific questions or expose issues, where they can exchange proposals and technical comments with BMA specialists.
We would appreciate your confirmation before April 6th. The invitation is open to all sugar food production staff and totally free.
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact Us by phone.: (55) 5812 5581, or by email at epi_info@equiposparaingenios.com.mx
We will be happy to greet you personally!