About Us
Equipos para Ingenios, S.A. de C.V., is a company founded in November 1999, made by 100% Mexican capital and its main objective is to satisfy the requirements of the Mexican sugar industry, offering equipment and services with the highest quality and most advanced technology worldwide.
We have established exclusive representation relationships with leading companies in the development, design and construction of equipment for the sugar process. Equipment of excellent quality and with the best cost-benefit ratio. Systems that integrate the most advanced of modern technology, which drives us to a constant update. The needs of modern Mexico motivate us to seek the best answers in the modernization and automation for this industry.
The companies that we represent exclusively, have managed to position us as one of the best alternatives in the Mexican market thanks to its high level of technological development and its unquestionable quality.
The constant development of the companies we represent has motivated us to train our personnel in different areas. In this way we can continue to offer the best equipment, with the most advanced technologies and supported with qualified and expert service.
The companies we represent:
Our Customers:
We can proudly say that all the sugar factories in Mexico have been, in some way, our clients, either with spare parts, services or purchase of equipment.
Whether they are small or large, all the sugar factories need to improve their efficiency and productivity. For all of them we have the right solution.
Even though the company is only a few years old, we have managed to bring together a group of specialists with extensive experience in the Mexican Sugar Industry.
The organizational chart shows our work team as a balanced set of services and first line support to meet the needs of our Customers in the most direct and effective way.