For more than 160 years BMA has been highlighted as world leader in the development technology and construction of process equipment for the sugar industry. Currently hold the first place in quantity of continuous and batch centrifugal bumps installed worldwide.
EQUIPOS PARA INGENIOS, S.A. DE C.V., established as exclusive BMA partner representative in Mexico, offering a wide range of equipment portfolio:
- Batch centrifugals: With capabilities from 1,300 to 2,200 Kg per load.
- Continuous centrifugals: With capabilities from 15 to 35 ton/hr of massecuite.
- Vertical vacuum pan: Designed for maximum energy saving.
- Vertical continous cooling crystallisers: For exterior mount with operational characteristics that offer the maximum exhaustion permitted.
- Massecuite pumps: From 1 to 100 m3/hr, with high flow rates at low rotor speeds.
- Molasses/massecuite minglers: Conditioning the massecuite to optimize the centrifugal process.
- Drying and cooling plants: They guarantee a uniform drying and cooling thanks to an optimal guided drying and cooling air.
- Vertical fluidised-bed conditioner.
- Sugar cane diffusers.
- Sugar factory energy balances studies.